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Ewerdin – hotel with the highest green wall in Poland

The Ewerdin [link to hotel website] is one of Swinoujscie most fascinating hotels. The hotel has a spa and wellness center with a pool, salt water jacuzzi, salt grotto, sauna complex, workout room, and treatment rooms, in addition to a restaurant for 120 people.  From the lobby, the restaurant, and the café, we can see the tallest green wall inside a hotel in Poland. The idea for a vertical garden that runs the length of the hotel came to me unexpectedly. The top wall of the elevator pillar was supposed to be coated with natural stone at first. However, the investor opted to build the inner garden since he saw the value of the open lobby during the development stage.

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Green wall – design and construction

A green wall 4 meters wide and 20 meters high can be seen from every floor of the hotel. Guests exiting their rooms are met everytime with lush flora. The view from the reception desk and the bar on the top level of the hotel is really breathtaking. Plants used in the design include Philodendron cordatum, Epipremnum aureum, Cissus alata, Epipremnum ‘Marble Queen', Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon'. The striped plant arrangement adds to the illusion of greenery reaching towards the sky. Taking care of such a tall wall at the hotel also needs good organization.

A climbing beam was already stretched between the walls under the glass canopy during the construction stage. Due to the impossibility of closing the hotel for the period of maintenance, hotel guests may witness the mountaineer's work while pruning the plants. It was also difficult to design the automatic watering system to provide enough of system pressure. The appearance of greenery growing from the ground was also accomplished by including a drainage trench in the base of vertical garden.

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Localization: Świnoujście City

Area: 80 m2

Design scope: dobór roślin, system nawadniania, doświetlanie

Design and construction company: Greenarte Sp. z o.o.

Year: 2016